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Planet Akkor

Planet Akkor, a Space-Time Opera, is a comic commissioned by KIOSK, in collaboration with the COMICS Project, UGent. It is based on Akkor, a comic strip drawn by Guy Depière for Aventures Illustrées, a weekly magazine published in Brussels in 1940.

There was a new episode every month, from October 2021 until The End of it All, which happened in December 1st, 2023. That same month, Planet Akkor became the last instalment of the exhibition Issue Zero: Reading the Van Passen Collection, hosted in KIOSK Gent. For the occasion, all the episodes were printed in a newspaper and presented next to Guy Depière's original series and a selection of Belgian and French publications from the 40's and 50's, all from the Van Passen collection. These magazines were used as inspiration and sources for Planet Akkor and were displayed by theme, including dinosaurs, space travel, jungles and semi-naked men fighting.


Check the web series here, and the full newspaper here.

For more info on the Issue Zero show, go here.

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